A speculative list of Animation vs. Minecraft block staff effects
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This page lists all speculated effects that emerge when using various Minecraft blocks in the Staff. If you have any questions or suggestions for these entries, feel free to contact Oinite12 (page author) anytime! Particularly, there is a list of unlisted blocks at the bottom of the page; any suggestions for those would be greatly appreciated. (You will be credited accordingly.)
NOTE: That this is a fan document that is highly speculative; not all content here is considered canon; in fact, assume everything is noncanon unless explicitly stated otherwise.
DISCLAIMER: Oinite12 and this page are not affiliated with Alan Becker or Mojang Studios. Derivative assets from Minecraft, obtained from the Minecraft Wiki, are copyrighted Mojang Studios but freely useable for personal use.
Pre-note: General foci property
It is safe to assume that all foci have the ability to place themselves when slotted into the staff.
Pre-note: Logs
All logs are associated with a “woodset”, a family of blocks that are themed around a type of wood. Minecraft has the following woodsets:
- Oak
- Spruce
- Birch
- Jungle
- Acacia
- Dark Oak
- Crimson
- Warped
- Bamboo
- Cherry
- Pale Oak
For this document, woodsets include the following blocks*:
- Log, stripped log (four-sided bark)
- Wood, stripped wood (six-sided bark)
- Planks, stairs, slab
- Fence, fence gate
- Door, trapdoor
- Sign, hanging sign
- Boat (it’s not a block but we can speculate that these can be summoned via logs)
*They usually also include leaves and saplings, but they have their own functionality since they’re not necessarily made of wood.
Bamboo requires additional clarification due to its odd nature as an “artificial woodset”; the “log”, Block of Bamboo, is crafted with 9 bamboo. There is no wood. The Bamboo woodset also consists of the Bamboo Mosaic [+Stairs, Slab].
Additionally, the Mangrove woodset includes Mangrove Roots and Muddy Mangrove Roots.
Pre-note: Stones
All stone-like blocks are associated with a “stoneset”, a family of blocks that are themed around a type of stone-like material (super loose term). Minecraft has the following stonesets:
- Andesite [+Stairs, Slab, Wall]
- Polished Andesite [+Stairs, Slab]
- Blackstone [+Stairs, Slab, Wall]
- Polished Blackstone [+Stairs, Slab, Wall, Button, Pressure Plate]
- Polished Blackstone Bricks [+Stairs, Slab, Wall]
- Chiseled Polished Blackstone
- Cracked Polished Blackstone Bricks
- Gilded Blackstone
- Block of Quartz [+Stairs, Slab]
- Smooth Quartz Block [+Stairs, Slab]
- Quartz Pillar
- Quartz Bricks
- Chiseled Quartz Block
- Bricks [+Stairs, Slab, Wall]
- Calcite
- Tuff [+Stairs, Slab, Wall]
- Polished Tuff [+Stairs, Slab, Wall]
- Tuff Bricks [+Stairs, Slab, Wall]
- Chiseled Tuff Bricks
- Deepslate
- Chiseled Deepslate
- Cobbled Deeplsate [+Stairs, Slab, Wall]
- Deepslate Bricks [+Stairs, Slab, Wall]
- Cracked Deepslate Bricks
- Deepslate Tiles [+Stairs, Slab, Wall]
- Cracked Deepslate Tiles
- Polished Deepslate [+Stairs, Slab, Wall]
- Netherrack
- Nether Bricks [+Stairs, Slab, Wall, Fence]
- Cracked Nether Bricks
- Chiseled Nether Bricks
- Red Sand
- Red Sandstone [+Stairs, Slab, Wall]
- Smooth Red Sandstone [+Stairs, Slab]
- Cut Red Sandstone [+Slab]
- Chiseled Red Sandstone
- Sand
- Red Sandstone [+Stairs, Slab, Wall]
- Smooth Red Sandstone [+Stairs, Slab]
- Cut Red Sandstone [+Slab]
- Chiseled Red Sandstone
- Stone [+Stairs, Slab, Pressure Plate, Button]
- Stone Bricks [+Stairs, Slab, Wall]
- Smooth Stone [+Slab]
- Chiseled Stone Bricks
- Cracked Stone Bricks
- Cobblestone [+Stairs, Slab, Wall]
- Prismarine [+Stairs, Slab, Wall]
- Prismarine Brick [+Stairs, Slab]
- Dark Prismarine [+Stairs, Slab]
- Diorite [+Stairs, Slab, Wall]
- Polished Diorite [+Stairs, Slab]
- End Stone
- End Stone Bricks [+Stairs, Slab, Wall]
- Purpur Block [+Stairs, Slab]
- Granite [+Stairs, Slab, Wall]
- Polished Granite [+Stairs, Slab]
- Mossy Cobblestone [+Stairs, Slab, Wall]
- Mossy Stone Bricks [+Stairs, Slab, Wall]
- Mud
- Mud Bricks [+Stairs, Slab, Wall]
- Packed Mud
- [OXIDATION] Block of Copper
- [OXIDATION] Cut Copper [+Stairs, Slab]
- [OXIDATION] Chiseled Copper
- [OXIDATION] Copper Grate
- [OXIDATION] Copper Door
- [OXIDATION] Copper Trapdoor
- [OXIDATION] Copper Bulb
- (Without exception, all of these copper blocks can be waxed.)
- Resin Bricks [+Stairs, Slab, Wall]
Foci properties
Flora and flora-like
Icon |
Block |
Effect |
(If [WOODSET] == Oak, CANON)
- Place any block in the [WOODSET] woodset.
- Rapidly form any structure made of blocks from the [WOODSET] woodset.
[WOODSET] Sapling |
- Automatically grow a [WOODSET] tree.
Azalea Flowering Azalea |
- Automatically grow an Azalea tree.
Bamboo |
- Automatically grow a Bamboo either at a target or from the tip of the staff.
Chorus Flower |
- Automatically grow a chorus plant.
- Dye any block [FLOWER colour].
Wither Rose |
- Dye any block black.
- Upon striking a target, inflict Wither onto target.
Cactus |
- Good melee capabilities.
- User has thorn effect.
Pumpkin Carved Pumpkin |
Jack o'Lantern |
- Shoot haunted jack o’lantern projectiles.
Melon |
Red Mushroom Block Brown Mushroom Block |
(Red Mushroom Block is CANON)
- Shoots Red and Brown Mushrooms.
Sculk Sensor |
- Sound and motion sensation.
- Heightened user reflexes activate during such sensation.
Calibrated Sculk Sensor |
- Stronger version of Sculk Sensor.
Sculk Catalyst |
Sculk Shrieker |
Creaking Heart |
- Summon and command multiple creakings that are entangled to the focus creaking heart, regardless of time of day.
Sniffer Egg |
- Summon sniffers.
- Unearth ancient seeds and other esoteric seeds, such as tomato.
Icon |
Block |
Effect |
Dirt Path Farmland Grass Rooted Dirt Mycelium Podzol |
- Converts nearby dirt (and related) into [FOCUS].
Snow Block Snow |
(Snow Block is CANON) |
Suspicious [GRANULAR] |
Stones and minerals
Icon |
Block |
Effect |
[STONESET] Block |
(If STONESET == {Polished Granite, Quartz, Netherrack}, CANON)
- Place any block in the [STONESET] stoneset.
- Rapidly form any structure made of blocks from the [STONESET] stoneset.
Ice Packed Ice Blue Ice |
(Ice is CANON)
- Freeze targets in solid ice.
Dripstone Block Pointed Dripstone |
(Dripstone Block is CANON)
- Form a column of pointed dripstone.
Infested [STONE] |
- Infest any block with silverfish.
- Summon silverfish.
Magma Block |
- Great melee capabilities. (Fire Aspect)
- Shoots fire charges.
Bone Block |
- Instant bone meal effect.
Bedrock |
- Highly focused block displacement.
- High-volume block displacement.
[ORE] Ore Deepslate [ORE] Ore |
- Shoot whatever item [ORE] ore drops when mined with a non-silk touch pickaxe.
Block of Raw [METAL] |
Block of Amethyst |
- Placed Blocks of Amethyst have reflective properties.
Budding Amethyst |
Block of Coal |
- The focus lights on fire like a torch.
- Large radius of light.
Block of Lapis Lazuli |
- User flight.
- Block telekinesis capabilities.
- Shoots a projectile that causes targets to levitate, marked with a glint effect.
- Can fire a laser.
Block of Redstone |
- Fire a low-energy redstone laser that can power redstone components.
- Fire a high-energy redstone laser that can slice through blocks cleanly.
Block of Resin |
- Spray resin over a large area.
"Power beacon and other blocks"
These blocks are listed on a table describing additional attributes associated with these blocks. The table is shown in The King (Animation vs. Minecraft).
Icon |
Block |
Effect |
Block of Netherite |
- Extremely large-volume block destruction.
- Excellent melee capabilities (Very strong, but slow)
Block of Diamond |
- Large-volume block destruction.
- Excellent melee capabilities. (Fast and strong)
Block of Emerald |
- Excellent melee capabilities.
- Also has large-volume block destruction.
Block of Iron |
- Place Blocks of Iron and Chains.
- Chains can be formed by the tip of the staff.
- Great melee capabilities.
- Also places Heavy Weighted Pressure Plate, Iron Bars, Iron Door, and Iron Trapdoor.
Block of Gold |
- Excellent melee capabilities. (Rapid)
- Also places Light Weighted Pressure Plate.
Obsidian |
- High-volume block displacement.
Crying Obsidian |
- Small-volume block displacement.
Ancient Debris* |
- Extremely small-volume block displacement.
*Regarding the inclusion of Ancient Debris here; I have reason to believe that the last row of the table (which is otherwise out of frame) is Ancient Debris, as the king character includes it on the tier list of blocks to use as a staff focus, along with Obisidan.
Work stations
Icon |
Block |
Effect |
Crafting Table |
- Vacuum items into focus.
- Autocraft items with vacuumed items based on user will.
Chest Trapped Chest |
- Focus has inventory.
- Vacuum items into focus inventory.
Ender Chest |
- Vacuum items into user’s Ender Chest inventory.
Campfire Soul Campfire |
(Campfire is CANON)
- Fire a large and powerful flame.
Furnace |
- Smelt any smeltable item with a wave of the staff.
Blast Furnace |
- Smelt any Blast Furnace recipe with a wave of the staff.
Smoker |
- Smelt any Smoker recipe with a wave of the staff.
Bookshelf |
Chiseled Bookshelf |
- Focus has inventory.
- Shoots books in inventory.
- If books are enchanted, books assume the property of their enchantment.
Enchanting Table |
- Unrestrained enchantment of any item... or entity.
Anvil Chipped Anvil Damaged Anvil |
(Anvil is CANON) |
Grindstone |
- Great melee capabilities. (Grinding tip)
Bee Nest Beehive |
(Bee Nest is CANON)
- Command Bees.
- Store a large number of Bees into the focus block; persists even after taking out the focus.
Composter |
- Vacuum items into focus, filling the composter.
- Usual composter functionality.
Loom |
- Place any banner with any pattern configuration.
- Banners are not limited by the 6-banner limit.
Smithing Table |
- Decorate armor with armor trims of any material and pattern.
- Convert anything diamond to netherite.
Stonecutter |
- Great melee capabilities. (Literally a saw)
- Carves stone-like blocks.
Brewing Stand |
- Shoots any potion.
- Sprays potion effects, including deviant effects.
Cauldron |
Cake |
Bell |
- Excellent melee capabilities.
- When striking something, the bell rings.
Conduit |
- Grants Conduit Power regardless of wetness.
Monster Spawner |
- Summon mobs and hybrid mobs.
Trial Spawner |
- Summon and command an army of mobs.
Ominous Trial Spawner |
- Summon and command an army of armored mobs.
- Shoot potions and projectiles.
Vault Ominous Vault |
End Portal Frame |
- Summon two-way portals.
- An entity getting "crushed" by these two portals will be sent to an unknown void-like zone.
Beacon |
- Grant beacon status effects.
- Fire a damaging beacon laser.
Icon |
Block |
Effect |
[DYE] Wool |
(If DYE == White, CANON)
- Place [DYE] Wool and/or [DYE] Carpet.
- Also places [DYE] Bed and Banner.
Cobweb |
- Shoot cobwebs that can override functionality of other staves.
- Shoot a strong rope.
Decorated Pot |
- Focus has inventory.
- Vacuum items into focus inventory.
- Shoots items in inventory.
Flower Pot |
- Focus has one-slot inventory.
- Inherits property of whatever is in the focus
[HEAD] Head |
(If HEAD = Player, WORD OF GOD) |
Skeleton Skull |
- Shoots Skeleton Skulls, bones and arrows.
Wither Skeleton Skull |
- Shoots explosive Wither Skeleton Skulls.
Creeper Head |
- Shoots explosive Creeper Heads.
Dragon Head |
Heavy Core |
- Excellent melee capabilities (Very strong, but slow; a mace, essentially)
Sponge |
- Absorbs an unlimited amount of water.
Wet Sponge |
Tinted Glass |
Turtle Egg |
Redstone components
Icon |
Block |
Effect |
Rail |
- Place Rails, Activator Rails, Detector Rails, and/or Powered Rails.
- Form curved railway tracks.
- Ride the rails without a minecart.
Lightning Rod |
Dispenser |
- Focus has inventory.
- Shoots items in inventory in projectile form.
Dropper |
- Focus has inventory.
- Shoots items in inventory in item form.
Crafter |
- Focus has inventory.
- Vacuum items into focus inventory.
- Shoots crafted items based on user will.
Hopper |
- Focus has inventory.
- Vacuums items into focus inventory.
- Extreme vacuum effect that affects everything.
Jukebox |
Note Block |
- Play a sequence of notes.
- Shoot a sequence of notes.
Piston |
- Piston can extend to an incredibly long distance.
- Pogo-stick capabilities.
Icon |
Block |
Effect |
Barrier |
- Placed Barriers are utterly impenetrable.
Command Block Repeating Command Block Chain Command Block |
(Command Block is CANON)
- Extremely rapid execution of commands.
- Execution of deviant commands.
Structure Block Jigsaw Block |
- Unrestricted formation and manipulation of Minecraft structures.
Light |
- Changeable radius of light from the focus.
Deviant blocks
Referring to blocks exclusive to the Animation vs. Minecraft continuity. All entries here are canon.
Icon |
Block |
Effect |
Lucky Block |
- Summon any item, block, and entity
- Block transmutation
- Orb can possess the staff. Then it can
- Summon staff clones
- Hold total dominion over the Lucky Block Dimension
Herobrine Head |
- Grants the user Herobrine's abilities, including flight, instantaneous travel,
Minecraft Game Icon |
- Enhanced Creative Mode capabilities
- Unrestricted entity and projectile summoning
Fused Minecraft Game Icon |
- Exponentially more powerful than Minecraft Game Icon
- Absorption of all Minecraft content
- Summon hybrid mobs involving deviant entities
Unlisted blocks
- ...a bunch of other plants
- [WOODSET] Leaves
- Azalea Leaves
- Flowering Azalea Leaves
- Barrel
- Big Dripleaf
- Small Dripleaves
- Candle
- [DYE] Candle
- [DYE] Concrete
- [DYE] Concrete Powder
- Terracotta
- [DYE] Terracotta
- [DYE] Glazed Terracotta
- Glass
- [DYE] Stained Glass
- Glass Pane
- [DYE] Stained Glass Pane
- Lever
- Redstone Torch
- Observer
- Redstone Comparator
- Redstone Lamp
- Redstone Repeater
- Target
- Lectern
- [CORAL] Coral
- [CORAL] Coral Block
- [CORAL] Coral Fan
- Dead [CORAL] Coral
- Dead [CORAL] Coral Block
- Dead [CORAL] Coral Fan
- Cartography Table
- Fletching Table
- Chorus Plant
- Clay
- Dirt
- Tripwire Hook
- Daylight Detector
- Hanging Roots
- Dragon Egg
- Dried Kelp Block
- End Rod
- Frogspawn
- Glow Lichen
- Glowstone
- Gravel
- Hay Bale
- Honeycomb Block
- Honey Block
- Structure Void
- Ladder
- Scaffolding
- Lantern
- Soul Lantern
- Lodestone
- Moss Block
- Moss Carpet
- Pale Moss Block
- Pale Moss Carpet
- Mushroom Stem
- Nether Wart Block
- [FROGLIGHT] Froglight
- Sticky Piston
- Reinforced Deepslate
- Respawn Anchor
- Skulk
- Skulk Vein
- Sea Lantern
- Sea Pickle
- Shroomlight
- Slime Block
- Soul Sand
- Soul Soil
- Torch
- Soul Torch